Home > News, TV > Philips Unveils 2010 line up of 3D TVs

Philips Unveils 2010 line up of 3D TVs

Philips’ will be releasing their first line up of 3D TVs this year, with their entire 9000 series being enabled, and all except the 32inch of the 8000 range.

As with all upcoming 3D TV models they will display natively according to whatever input you have. You have the option to upgrade to a 3D package which contains a wireless transmitter and two pair of active shutter glasses, with extra specs costing………extra.

This is how all TVs will become 3D ready, every TV will eventually have the function much like HD is standard now. The TV will simply be a good TV foremost and you have the option to utilize the 3D function.

Of course you need a 3D source.

Well Sony has pretty much got your sweet back door covered. Not only will the PS3 be upgraded via firmware to be able to output 3D this summer, but Sony will be launching a 3D-TV channel in 2011 in association with IMAX.

Blu-Rays will be able to support the 3D format so expect BD players advertised as such before too long. ESPN has plans to join the fun and with Sky+ HD boxes being 3D upgradeable, there’s no reason why lots more networks will launch similar products.

As I say, eventually all TVs sold will be 3D ready, you wont be able to avoid owning one and it’ll just be a matter of buying the glasses and transmitter and let’s face it, they’ll be bundled with the telly in a year. After the mad rush of gimmicky content things will settle down and studios and networks will realize not everything needs to be in 3D,can you imagine the migraine? It will become just another option for home entertainment and you will be able to select 3D appropriate material at your leisure.



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