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Arkham Asylum – Game of the year edition

Game of the year edition
Game of the year editions of games are pretty common place now.
You usually get some extra stuff, if any DLC has been released you’ll get that and some other little bits and bobs but Arkham Asylum is offering you some thing a little extra.

Click below for the goods

So what makes this release worth talk about? Well first it’s a pretty sweet game but possibly more importantly the game of the year edition will come with 3D glasses. Yes you can play Batmans latest adventure in 3D.

From the looks of it it’s going to be old school 3D but it’s still going to be 3D, it could be sweet.
Can’t upload the picture at work but I’ll update the post with the picture when I get home.

The GOY edition will hit shelves on the 26th of March and along with the 3D version of the game you will get the following

Scarecrow Nightmare Challenge Map

Crime Alley Challenge Map

Prey in the Darkness Map Pack(2 maps)

Insane Night Map Pack(2 maps)

I may finally have to actually get this now. If only to look at this new fangled 3D thingy.

  1. March 11, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    This is supposed to use a system by Trioviz whose website says “say no to anaglyph” (the old red and cyan filter) but instead use magenta and green.
    Details are scarce but unless the sort out some kind of colour correction then it wont take off for the same reason 3D films didn’t, until the recent cinema developments.

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