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Best Price: Red Steel 2

This woman has no connection whatsoever to the Red Steel franchise

So from this edition of Best Price the lesson I took home was the following ancient proverb;

“Play.com can suck it!”

Hit up the jump to find out why.

This is the first Best Price on a Wii game, which says a little something about the quality of most Wii games. The first Red Steel was a launch title and therefore the first game to show us that the Wii-mote was not what we were told it was. Fortunately we now have the Wii Motion Plus to do exactly what it says on the tin, for about £15 extra of course.

Or is it?

Massive props go to Amazon who have the game bundled with the Wii Motion Plus accessory for £29.73, 16pence LESS than the stand alone game at £29.99. Check out the other games on that link by the way; Mario Galaxy for under £35, Metroid: Other M for under £30 and last year’s titles (The Conduit, Madworld, Cursed Mountain) for under a tenner apiece. Goddamn Amazon are working it these days.

Shopto also do well with both SKUs pretty much the same price just under £30.

Most other places manage the solus game for £30 and bundled with Wii Motion Plus for £40, which is a bit much.

Play take the shit cake though with Red Steel 2 at £34.99 and bundled with Wii Motion Plus for £44.99!!!

Three exclamation marks guys. I don’t know how Play can keep a straight face with pricing that terrible. Sure it comes with an exclusive pre-order pack:

– Exclusive Red Steel 2 artbook
Red Steel 2 branded metal bullet
– Unlock four exclusive in-game weapons: the Tataro .357 Magnum, Cord Industries Barracuda .357 AMP, Kuro No Ken (The Black Blade) and Nihonto Hana (The Blossom Sword)

That may be worth a tenner but pricing the stand alone game at £35 and then this on top of that is bullshit. Just bullshit.

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