Home > Features, Games > The Top 14 Games For The Rest Of The Year – 7

The Top 14 Games For The Rest Of The Year – 7

Part 6 here.

7. Mafia II – PS3, 360, PC

Mafia was pretty balls. But it’s the sort of thing which can be balls the first time round then improve massively for the sequel (I’m looking at you Assassin’s Creed). I’m looking forward to it but it’s on Take Two Interactive’s slate to be be released by the end of October along with LA Noire and Max Payne 3 which leaves not much time either for them to get it out or for me to fit it in (that’s what she said).

I’ll probably give this to NastyButler as an assignment. Not that he’ll necessarily do it, I just sometimes like to pretend I’m a grizzled stogie chomping editor from the 1950s who cares nary a damn about some young buck reporter’s ambitions because if I don’t make the evening deadline then I don’t get my bonus to buy a sweet little negligee for Mrs Editor so she can go on banging the Bank Manager, which she says she’s only doing to get him to stop the bank foreclosure on our house which we’re close to losing only because the crazy broad goes nuts for jewels. Goddamn that bitch drives me out of my mind.

Part 8 tomorrow.

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