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APB Official Pre-Order Video

It doesn’t show a helluva lot but it’s going to be epic. You can read a little about the unique business model HERE which will be taking the place of a standard subscription.

A great deal will be perpetuated by users. That’s not to say that the devs will be lazy, they wont be, but players will be able to play any damn way they please. Want to take out rival gangs exclusively? Fine, though you’ll have to deal with cops if you get caught. Want to be a cop and catch one type of criminal? Fine, but you may be a target to indiscriminate gangs. There will be this constant dynamism where you’re alerted to a crime, or alerted to a criminal opportunity depending which side of the law you’re on. It’ll be fast and frenetic and probably fun as all hell.

We’ll keep you updated.

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