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Rules of GoldenEye

My stupid account wont allow me to embed a video from anywhere other than the YouTubes or google, so go HERE to check out a collegehumor.com vid, via kotaku.

GoldenEye 007 is the best FPS ever made, it just is. Me and Chelios first played it in 1999, and proceeded to spend pretty much the next two years murdering each other on it.  Goddamn, that was 10 years ago. The only way to play is pistols and one shot kills. It sorts the men from the fairies I can tell you. No more hanging about pumping rounds into each other like some lairy frat boys, it was cold, tense skill that fucked up your opponent.

The above mentioned video totally nails the generally understood ground rules; no Oddjob on acount of his being too small to hit in short to medium range engagements, no caves because fuck the caves, and no proxy mines because that is cheap. Also proxy mines are fun, but if you were using them then you were ignoring the golden rule of pistols/one shot kills and meant you probably had no hair on your testes.

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