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Killzone 3………..D

Part of Eurogamer Expo 2010

If only your eyes were able to process visual information in 3 dimensions, loser.

Killzone 3 impressed the hell out of me. This pre Alpha build was solid and completely stable the whole time I saw it, on top of that the 3D was absolutely pristine.

There were two pairs of 3D glasses per TV so spectators could view without thinking they had a concussion. I duly put them on and saw the blurriness clear up, but I was still seeing the double image. My job enables me to view 3D content on an almost daily basis so I’m no newbie to the scene. My eyes adjusted 20 seconds later and the image just came to me.

A nicely interpreted depth solution exists in Killzone 3. This is a noncey way of saying all the planes blend seamlessly together, and importantly the cross hair stays accurate and true across whichever depth it encounters.

That guy has a ten inch penis, the one behind him is circumcised. I don't know how I came to be aware of these details of my friends' genitals or why I brought it up at this point. Some things just defy explanation. Like why people find Lady Gaga attractive.

These guys are in a war zone right now

Onto gameplay, I’ve declared my lack of passion for the FPS genre numerous times but here they just have it right. Bodies have weight, they don’t take too many or too few shots. Also, jetpack. I almost bought Dark Void purely on the strength that it had a jetpack in it. Here it is short burst and more of an extended jump tool, but you can use it to advance your position and take the strategic upper hand in a confrontation so it has incidental use, making it more than just a gimmick.

This was overall the best of the 3 3D games there.

  1. Definitely not Ed
    October 6, 2010 at 6:34 pm

    Couldn’t you have found a prettier model for the photo?

    • October 7, 2010 at 2:22 pm

      Couldn’t YOU have found a…….no I don’t know where I’m, going with this.

  2. Definitely not Ed
    October 7, 2010 at 7:15 pm

    However, having looked through all the photos from the expo, this is definitely the best one. Couldn’t you have at least found a better photographer?

    • October 7, 2010 at 9:38 pm

      We can’t all use our police badges to bully people into doing jobs for us.

  3. Definitely not Ed
    October 7, 2010 at 10:21 pm

    Can’t you just use your charm and your penis?

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