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The Fight Lights Out with PS Move

Part of Eurogamer Expo 2010

I’ll come right out with it; The Fight is shit.

The above calibration screen pops up for each new user so it was set up for my height and reach. I figured that the Move controllers should be able to excel where the Wiimotes so spectacularly failed to capture my exact intended punches.

I know how to throw a decent variety of punches and with good form but The Fight did not know how to translate them. It reacted very slowly and because the virtual hands could not snap forward any punches landed felt more like fist pushes.So when you are trying in earnest to muller your quarry into mush and fine powder he thinks that you are modestly encouraging him with shy machismo by gently placing your clenched mitt on his jaw and shoving slightly.

So you try some slowed down, deliberate moves and the thing just does not get it. It could not read a hook, uppercuts seemed only to go for the body unless the opponent was right in your grill and intended body shots just fell short.

This appeared to be a short sweet tech demo almost, showing just how far motion control has come. A little game which played perfectly and whet your appetite for what could be done.

In the cold light of day though, it is oh so disappointing. Bitterly so.

"I will fist push you into unconsciousness" The red neon reflection is the most exciting thing happening on this screen


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  1. October 8, 2010 at 12:08 am
  2. October 31, 2010 at 2:25 am

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