Home > Features, Games, Preview > Motorstorm Apocalypse, Also in 3D

Motorstorm Apocalypse, Also in 3D

Part of Eurogamer Expo 2010

So those arcade racers I mentioned in the previous post? This is exactly what I mean, it’s a laugh a minute thrill ride that you dive into for short bursts. It’s fine and has its place but is it really worth 40 of your hard earned pounds? The only sound that escapes my lips when I try to answer that question is “euuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyrrrrrrr”.

A couple years ago I bought Midnight Club: Los Angeles. It was good I suppose but after a while, you know. Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyrrrrrr.

Visually it was great and the track took you all over the place with buildings collapsing on your head and whatnot, so the first playthrough will be fun. Subsequent plays will probably get 20% less fun each time.


The vehicles looked pretty much the same as in 2D but they are not such a focus as they are in GT5. They handled the environments much better though. It doesn’t flicker when you’re at high speed, which is all the time, and just whips on by like you’d expect. Except for the gimmick of debris kicking toward the screen there doesn’t seem to be much of a point to it.

That said, the demo was from a pre-alpha build so it’s all to play for and people on the whole will enjoy it. There’s no reason not to, but also no reason to love it yet either.

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