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Call of duty: Black Ops – review

December 9, 2010 2 comments

call of duty

I started this reveiw ages ago and just never got round to finishing it. so sorry for that but I’ve been playing a shit ton of this game. Anyway my thoughts are below.

So I’ve been busy playing a little game, don’t know if you’ve heard but Call of duty Black Ops is out.
Below is my review,
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My first montage

December 4, 2010 Leave a comment

So sorry for the lack of posts from myself. I’ve got a new role at work which restricts my time (not my choice) and I’ve been playing a shit ton of black ops.

Any way I made a quick montage today. I’ve never done one before so it’s a little rough but I felt like giving it ago. Check it out below.

Categories: Games

Prof Robots first BLOPS (Black Ops) game

November 21, 2010 3 comments

This evening we have blops gameplay from Prof Robot. It was his first match ever on the game and he strangely decided to use the shotgun. It worked out ok though so what do I know.
Watch and listen to my super awesome commentary. I will finish my blops review soon (i’ve been trying since a couple of days after I got it) but doing that gets in the way of playing the game so we’ve got things to overcome.

anyway, enjoy the vid.

My first black ops vid.

November 12, 2010 3 comments

Finally my first Black Ops vid is up. There has been some problems but it’s finally here. expect some more in the next few days. The theatre mode makes things real simple.

Medal of Honor – Review

November 1, 2010 Leave a comment

Beards of cool now, not creepy.

So I wasn’t going to buy Medal of honor. It came out too close to Black Ops for me to justify it but then the wife came to the rescue. She decided to trade in her Wii and all the games so she could get more Professor Layton games on the DS. I convinced her she should get me Medal of honor as well.

So here’s a quick review. It’s alright. End.

Ok so you want more detail. (I know you don’t just humour me.) The campaign is shorter, shorter than MW2 even. I think I did it in 5 or 6 hours, on normal. The game is stupidly easy. It’s dramatic and it’s cinematic but sometimes you just feel like you’re along for the ride, not actually knee deep in the shit.
There is a nice variety to the missions though so it never gets boring but it does feel like it’s all too brief. In the end I had fun for the brief time it went on but at the end I didn’t really feel like it had blown me away. (That’s what she said).

So multiplayer, it’s alright. The problem with FPS shooters is they seem to not realize why Call of Duty is so popular. In COD you have so much choice and variety. Lots of game modes, lots of maps, lots of weapons, lots of attachments, perks and so on. It’s what keeps you playing.
MOH isn’t a bad MP experience but I don’t know what would make me keep playing it. There are a total of about 12 weapons I think. You have to pick a rifleman class, a spec ops class or a sniper class. That’s it; you can barely customize your kit at all. So there is no drive to unlock things, once you’ve unlocked the red dot site for each weapon (or a better scope in the case of the sniper kit) there is nothing else useful to aim for.
The biggest problem for this game though is the spawn system and map design. There are several maps on the game where you can see from your side of the map all the way into the enemy spawn. Many a time playing over the weekend I found myself spawning and dying before I had a chance to move. I did the same thing if I’m honest. Found myself a nice little spot on the map and waited for people to spawn in.
It’s terrible, avoiding spawn camping should be a fundament of map design in a game of this kind. If you’re going to have fixed spawn points you shouldn’t be able to see them from across the map.

To sum up I’ll play this until black ops comes out but I doubt I’ll play after. It’s a good effort but too many fundamental mistakes take a way from the fun.

Call of Duty: Black Ops – What do we know?

October 28, 2010 10 comments

Go HERE for the lovely Launch Trailer


Black Ops is almost upon us so I thought I’d give a run down of what we know so far. Some of this maybe wrong but I’m pretty confident I’ve got all the facts. I’ll concentrate on the multiplayer here as you pretty much know what to expect with COD single player. Globe trotting Special Forces soldiers doing the jobs no one else wants to do. Unlike previous games though Black Ops will take place across a larger time frame, we’re talking missions from the 60’s all the way up to present day.

Come down for Read more…

Civilization 5 – Review

October 27, 2010 1 comment

Civilisation 5

So on the recommendation of the Prof I went out a got myself a copy of Civilization 5. I think I’ve ruined my life.

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Football Manager 2011 – Demo available

October 26, 2010 5 comments

I'm squashed? Your mums squashed.

The best football management sim around is back for a new season and you can now download the demo before the November 5th release

With Prof Robot away it means I can post football related stuff on here with out immediate ridicule.
There are 2 versions of the demo, Vanilla and Strawberry. Vanilla lets you play half a season as any one in the English or Scottish leagues, the Strawberry lets you play as any one in Europe, again for half a season.

I’ve had a quick play and as expected I think it’s great. There have obviously been plenty of tweaks in the background that you’d never know about but there has also been some pretty nice additions front and center.
Tactics wise you can now plan your set pieces to a degree, where players position themselves for corners and free kicks and so forth.
The media interactions have been spruced up a bit, now if you talk to the media it’s in an interview style, they ask questions you answer or you can steer the conversation on to different topics. Press conferences however haven’t really been touched which is slightly disappointing, there is still only a very limited amount of responses and they’re all pretty much the same as last year.
Player interactions have had a revamp too. In the past I haven’t really bothered with these much but now they again take the form of conversations. I’ve already managed to upset Gomes at Spurs. He wanted to move to a bigger club, I tried telling him I was trying to move the club forward, he didn’t believe me so I told him he was being disrespectful, he then ended the meeting. Dick.
The big change every one has been talking about is the new role of agents in the game. Now agents will offer players to you and more importantly it’s the agents who negotiate all the contracts. They’ll come in and tell you what their clients want, you then start to negotiate going back and forth with different offers. Different agents have different personalities, some are more willing to bend, others won’t budge. It’s a nice feature that adds a little drama to the usual boring process of offering your players new deals. In the past I’d just offer them what they want and be done with it. Now there is a real need to negotiate.

The pitch view has been enhanced quite a bit, the players on the pitch move more fluently and the animations more varied. It’s great, it all adds to the immersion.
I’m loving the demo and can’t wait for the new game.
In fact why the fuck am I writing this for you losers when I could be playing…later suckas.

Categories: Games, News, Preview Tags: , , ,

Dead Rising 2 – Review

October 19, 2010 1 comment

Dead rising 2

With the risk of being relevant, I bring you my thoughts on Capcom’s Dead Rising 2.

Click below for good shiz…and zombies.

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Skate 3 – A review

October 18, 2010 1 comment


So here I am, reviewing a game that isn’t over a year old. Wonders never cease. In honor of reviewing a slightly relevant game I may try and be slightly professional in my review. It will most likely however still contain expletives such as fuck and vagina.

So click below and behold my insight into the world of Skate 3.

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