
Archive for the ‘News’ Category


I can’t remember where I saw it because I read a lot and I spend quite some time feeling sleepy and tired so everything blends together into a huge amalgum of colour and sound.

The short of it is here’s this game called Limbo by Indie developer Playdead, site here. It kinda speaks for itself.

It’s a 2D puzzle platformer in moody, intense black and white. Seriously, this is like pornography to a guy like me. Not your (admittedly awesome) trash from spankwire, but your high class erotica.

It kinda looks like Braid gashed open The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom‘s stomach and stowed his friend Sadness inside so he wouldn’t freeze overnight. In the morning they circle jerked and the result on the floor became a secret pact never to be shared with anyone else. Except Sadness is a devious little bastard and he told, and this is the result.

It’s only slated to appear on XBL but then so was Braid and Trine and a few other downloadable mores. As it’s an indie developer they’ll want to expand their market and they’d be foolish not to. This is a shame because I don’t have an Xbox and unless I can get one for free I’m not going to.

Studio Ghibli’s Ni No Kuni is coming to PS3. I become excited, moist.

I’m not a proud man. I’ll openly tell you the last time I cried, or shrieked, or got caught rubbing one out to the larger women of the Bravissimo catalogue (check it out. Fucking trust me on this).

I completely heart Ghibli. Even the seemingly mundane shit is absolutely captivating. The genius of its simple yet layered animation style is that it never ages, My Neighbour Totoro is rocking up to its 30th birthday.

That shit could have been drawn yesterday. It looks pretty soft ass for us men (grrrrrr. Porn. Fire) but it is with unreserved, unashamed joy that I watch these films. So when their game with Professor Layton (awesome) devs Factor 5 was announced I was happy. When it was recently announced for PS3 I passed out. The PS3 is able to render the graphics with a wonderful fidelity, they appear fluid but on your large TV, much better to behold than on a DS screen. Though the DS is great and its version will be similarly great, I can’t wait to play this front room.


Scott Pilgrim: The Movie: The Game

June 20, 2010 1 comment

Pitch Perfect.

Star Wars The Old Republic Trailer

I know several people whose lives just went to shit because they know they will spend almost every waking hour eating, masturbating and playing The Old Republic, pushing the human spirit to its boundaries by seeing how much of the former two they can sacrifice to accomplish the latter.

Gran Turismo 5 E3 Trailer

June 13, 2010 1 comment

They simply have to release GT5 this year. It’s been in development since about April 2004. Yes, more than 6 years, and has cost in excess of $60million to produce. It seems unlikely that it will recoup its cost but it will be a trophy game, by that I mean a showcase for Sony’s first party publishing and PlayStation processing prowess.

To be fair though, most of those images look real. Actually real.

The song is Big Bad Wolf by The Heavy.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 E3 Trailer

It may just be an extended cut scene but it’s very well executed and the fight choreography is outstanding.

The first game was ok but it was a bit twitchy. Any problems anyone had with the first inevitably will get ironed out as they do on a game of this sort. Think Assassin’s Creed to Assassin’s Creed 2.

Killzone 3 E3 Trailer

Looks pretty sweet, especially the ocean. I really feel the ocean needs to be used in a great way in a game.

Killzone 3 will also be launching in 3D, for those of you who have compatible televisions. I don’t, nor will I have for a few years. So if you do have one, go fuck yourself while you’re at it you smug bastard.


E3 2010 – Update

June 12, 2010 1 comment

Update, I thought of some other stuff. In italics…

Because I basically have no legitimate press credentials I wont be attending this year’s E3. Also it’s more than 8000 miles away and I have no money to get there. Also I’m pretty sure my passport has expired.

But this wont stop me from rounding up what will probably happen at this years event and then live streaming the keynotes and then totally writing up what will actually happen with a few cursory insights a good few hours after all the major outlets have done the same thing. Right?

As if you give a shit, it’s after the jump.

Jump, mothereffer

And Now This Mortal Kombat Trailer

The post below has the Mortal Kombat movie pitch trailer and now here is an announcement trailer for a new game, isn’t that nice.

Obviously taking cue from Street Fighter’s return to roots Mortal Kombat will similarly strip down and clean up their act to sell it to the original uptakers of the franchise, as well as being cool enough to attract the kiddywinks.

Mortal Kombat – Rebirth

June 9, 2010 1 comment

So in slightly games related news a Mortal Kombat video has been released.
At first people were saying it was fan made, then it was a promo for a new game but we now know it was made by director Kevin Tancharoen who is trying to convince the studio to let him have a go at an adult, violent Mortal Kombat film.
I don’t know why any one thought it was fan made, it’s got Michael Jai White and Jeri Ryan in it. Ok so Jeri Ryan might do any thing but White is on the up.

Check it out below. It’s not perfect but it looks pretty good and if Tancharoen is able to build on this we could end up with some thing pretty good.