
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Battlefield Bad company 2 gameplay vid

August 13, 2010 Leave a comment

Watch this. Please. You owe it to yourself and your children and your childrens children and so on until the planet dies.

Update I don’t think the vid is embeding properly so click -> and it’ll take you there.

I know this is more work, but again, think of the children and your childrens children and so on.

EU PSN Store Update 18th March 2010


Ok, it’s Thursday so let’s cut the fancy talk and get right to the knickers of this thing. You didn’t come here to find out every little thing that updated on EU PSN today.

You came here to find out what is good, and what is free.

We’ve digested it, now smell the nuance and subtleties of our lovely GamesBurp for the highlights after the jump

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Categories: Uncategorized

Best Price: Final Fantasy XIII

February 26, 2010 Leave a comment

This issue of Best Price is out a little early as Final Fantasy XIII is released on the 9th May, however as Final Fantasists are a passionate lot many probably already have their pre-orders in. With this in mind here is a round up aimed at those who may have missed a good deal as well as those of you weighing up options.

Transcend past the fold for more……

enlightenment this way……..

God of War III Demo Out Now

February 25, 2010 Leave a comment

Hop on to PSN now and you can download the God of War 3 demo, you lucky ducks.

I won’t be able to do it for another 24 hours, but you go ahead. No don’t feel bad for me, you fucking enjoy yourself. Have a blast you selfish bastard.

Site News

February 11, 2010 Leave a comment

I’m trying out this new theme. I think it’s classier. Neater.

I like it.


Categories: Uncategorized

Splosion Man

February 9, 2010 Leave a comment

Splosion Man, possibly the only reason to own an Xbox 360.
Splosion man

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Living the Dream

February 8, 2010 Leave a comment

So you may or may not know that I make and post gaming videos on youtube. Mostly consisting of Call of duty games which I record and then lay a commentary track over it. It’s a geeky hobby but I enjoy it. I’m not very big on the tube but it’s not all about ratings….I tell myself.
Any way a guy who is big on youtube is a man named Hutch. Another COD player he’s been slowly getting bigger and bigger over the last year. He now has over hundred thousand subscribers. The guy comes across as really nice, he’s funny and insightful. He recently got a Machinma contract. For those not in the know Machinema are a youtube gaming channel. If you’re lucky enough to get a contract with them you get paid. It’s not a huge amount and is dependent on how many views your vid gets but you get coin.
Now though Machinema have taken it one step further with Hutch. They’ve offered him a full time job. He’ll be going to games conventions, making shows and basically living the dream.
Below is the video he put out to his subs letting everyone know what was going on. I wanted to post it because it’s emotional and genuine. I also just wanted to show you that dreams can come true. You work at some thing and good things happen.
I followed Hutch from almost the start. He had a few thousand subs at that point and to witness this journey has been strangely satisfying. Please check it out if you’re at all interested.
Now this is a bit of soppy post so next up will be a post about beer and boobs. GRRRRRRRR MAN THINGS

Categories: Uncategorized

I have no idea what I’m doing

January 26, 2010 Leave a comment

I’m scared. This is new and I don’t know what I’m doing.

Any way, I’m the other guy on here. I’ll write stuff. I’ll comment…and stuff.

I play computer games every night, pretty much with out fail yet I’m still probably one of the worst players ever to pick up a controller. You give me a game I guarantee I can fail at it.

Any way. keep checking back and talk to us.

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January 25, 2010 Leave a comment

That test post went fairly well I thought, cups of tea all round to celebrate. More coming up…

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