
Posts Tagged ‘3DS’

Will 3DS Be Released in October?

Nintendo has already announced that they will pimp the 3DS as a playable demo at this year’s E3, now CVG claim that it will be released later this year, if you have eyes you will know I mean October.

This is certainly in keeping with Nintendo’s Modus Operandi of keeping lead time to a minimum to avoid buzz fatigue. Back at their Media Summit in February they announced Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Other M release dates for May 23rd and June 27th respectively, a lead time of only 3-4 months. Compare this with Gears of War 3 which we know about a year in advance and almost any other game which we anticipate at least 6 months ahead.

It’s a very business-like approach, a heads down “let’s just make the game and release it” attitude which I like. But then their biggest audience; the casual gamer, will not read the gaming press and will only find out about it through general consumer channels. By this rationale they don’t need a long hype to sell games, just a short build up in the mainstream advertising circuit.

Having a playable product at E3 then revealing a release date for three months later is a big “no nonsense” bang whichever way you look at it.

kotaku via CVG