
Posts Tagged ‘APB’

APB Pricing

This was announced a little while ago and while some may view taking a long time to reach one’s destination as a virtue, ahem, I understand in terms of up to the second gaming press it most certainly isn’t.

Then I remember I can only be loosely described as gaming press by an elderly woodsman from the Outer Hebrides. In the same way that your grandparents think you’re a movie star for making a student film, regardless of whether you’re actually in it.

By now I think we’re agreed that if you want your gaming news you’ll go to any of the huge gaming news outlets that have little advantages like a budget, a full time staff member, invitations to press events, PR contacts and so on.

And that if you’ll come to me if you want…….why DO you come here? I guess I’m pretty bitter about not having all that other stuff. So if you want an embittered man to tell you…stuff……..about games. This is making me reach for the bottle or the pistol and I’m starting not to care which so let’s just get on shall we?


Categories: Games, News Tags: , , , , ,

APB Official Pre-Order Video

It doesn’t show a helluva lot but it’s going to be epic. You can read a little about the unique business model HERE which will be taking the place of a standard subscription.

A great deal will be perpetuated by users. That’s not to say that the devs will be lazy, they wont be, but players will be able to play any damn way they please. Want to take out rival gangs exclusively? Fine, though you’ll have to deal with cops if you get caught. Want to be a cop and catch one type of criminal? Fine, but you may be a target to indiscriminate gangs. There will be this constant dynamism where you’re alerted to a crime, or alerted to a criminal opportunity depending which side of the law you’re on. It’ll be fast and frenetic and probably fun as all hell.

We’ll keep you updated.

Categories: Games Tags: , , , , , ,

APB To Have Unique Business Model

March 14, 2010 3 comments

APB (trailer here) is due for release this year and Lead Designer David Jones, who co-created Grand Theft Auto thank you very much, explains that the game will not use a standard subscription model, opting instead for a scheme years in the making.

That was one sentence? I guess brevity is not my ally



March 2, 2010 2 comments

Really quite looking forward to APB (All Points Bulletin). Its from the guys who brought us Crackdown on the 360 and looks like it could be a jolly good game… with guns… and criminals… and cops… and more guns.

Its your basic sandbox scenario but its also an MMO and instead of levelling up and only playing people the same rank as you, its everyone thrown in together (at least that what i got from reading something at 2.17am and trying to remember it now).

Anyways, check out the HD trailer above from E3 and comment on your thoughts, itll be interesting to see what people think…