
Posts Tagged ‘arkham asylum’

Arkham Asylum – Game of the year edition

March 11, 2010 1 comment

Game of the year edition
Game of the year editions of games are pretty common place now.
You usually get some extra stuff, if any DLC has been released you’ll get that and some other little bits and bobs but Arkham Asylum is offering you some thing a little extra.

Click below for the goods
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The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 4

February 5, 2010 1 comment

11. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, 360, PC – 2009)
batman arkham asylum

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Batman: Arkham Asylum

January 25, 2010 Leave a comment

Originally posted September 2009

This is mostly a follow on from my preview here

For the purposes of brevity and fair warning I’ll just say that for this piece I’m assuming you have already played the game as there are potential spoilers off the starboard bow. So first of all, go buy and complete this game.

Go ahead I’ll wait.

Back? Ok great.

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Preview – Batman Arkham Asylum

January 25, 2010 1 comment

Originally posted August 2009


This is based on the demo of Arkham Asylum from PSN.

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