
Posts Tagged ‘Black ops’

Call of duty: Black Ops – review

December 9, 2010 2 comments

call of duty

I started this reveiw ages ago and just never got round to finishing it. so sorry for that but I’ve been playing a shit ton of this game. Anyway my thoughts are below.

So I’ve been busy playing a little game, don’t know if you’ve heard but Call of duty Black Ops is out.
Below is my review,
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Prof Robots first BLOPS (Black Ops) game

November 21, 2010 3 comments

This evening we have blops gameplay from Prof Robot. It was his first match ever on the game and he strangely decided to use the shotgun. It worked out ok though so what do I know.
Watch and listen to my super awesome commentary. I will finish my blops review soon (i’ve been trying since a couple of days after I got it) but doing that gets in the way of playing the game so we’ve got things to overcome.

anyway, enjoy the vid.

My first black ops vid.

November 12, 2010 3 comments

Finally my first Black Ops vid is up. There has been some problems but it’s finally here. expect some more in the next few days. The theatre mode makes things real simple.

But Of Course Hutch has played Black Ops Multiplayer

November 7, 2010 1 comment

In the interests of whoring up some cheap hits I’m posting Black Ops content just one day before release.

So Hutch is probably the most famous if not the most successful COD player, being picked up by Machinima like some truck stop hooker only instead of receiving a bludgeoning and shallow burial they gave him a job. Thumbs up for him, and he’s a natural choice to forward a copy of Black Ops and have in what appears to be a press lobby. Here he is getting a bit of a hammering (like the truck stop hooker) but also giving back and coming out ok (unlike the lay by temptress).

The advance your weapon every time you score a kill match type.

And standard Team Deathmatch

Well there we are. I hope you weren’t expecting John Simpson quality journalism here.

Call of Duty: Black Ops – What do we know?

October 28, 2010 10 comments

Go HERE for the lovely Launch Trailer


Black Ops is almost upon us so I thought I’d give a run down of what we know so far. Some of this maybe wrong but I’m pretty confident I’ve got all the facts. I’ll concentrate on the multiplayer here as you pretty much know what to expect with COD single player. Globe trotting Special Forces soldiers doing the jobs no one else wants to do. Unlike previous games though Black Ops will take place across a larger time frame, we’re talking missions from the 60’s all the way up to present day.

Come down for Read more…