
Posts Tagged ‘Civilization V’

Civilization 5 – Review

October 27, 2010 1 comment

Civilisation 5

So on the recommendation of the Prof I went out a got myself a copy of Civilization 5. I think I’ve ruined my life.

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Civilization V Quasi-Review

September 24, 2010 Leave a comment

Sticks and stones will fuck you up

Continuing GamesBurp’s proud tradition of “being too broke to buy games and not influential enough to score review code” I humbly submit to you a look at the new, full, complete version of Civilization V………..demo.

I came into Civilization (and didn’t call back) relatively late, only about 2 years ago with Civ IV. It was pretty much love at first play and relegated The Sims from the top of my strategy game favourites list. A list which consists of two games. Until now, because Civ V has taken Civ IV roughly from behind and left it flagged and exhausted on the kitchen floor. In the good way.

I once described Civilization as being “as addictive as heroin on crack” so for me and many gamers around the world, this teaser promo was spot on.

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Top 14 Games For The Rest Of The Year – 13

Part 12 is here

13. Civilization V

This screen is from Civilization Revolution on which  I spent hours and frigging hours. It was simple to get into, incredibly deep and as addictive as heroin on crack.

Master of game design Sid Meier is also making a browser based version for Facebook called Civilization Network for which I cannot wait. It will be exciting to see how it’s implemented as well as it being a barometer for how developers and publishers will approach the rush to the social gaming scene.