
Posts Tagged ‘Dead Space 2’

Dead Space 2

October 2, 2010 2 comments

Part of Eurogamer Expo 2010

The EA reps were a bit pissy about anyone taking pictures, I mean it would be terrible for them to get free advertising right? So I did the next best thing and shanghaied this picture from another site.

Dead Space 2 is more of the same. You are Isaac Clarke and you yomp around corridors shooting the limbs off necromorphs, unable to turn quicker than my dad can get off the sofa.

That’s pretty much it. The fact it hasn’t changed is a good thing though, it means they’re unlikely to screw the pooch by toying around with the formula too much. If you hated Dead Space though, then here’s a shocker, you’ll still hate it.

The resolution was pretty jaggy but I expect that to be polished up to the original’s high standards. They did not have headphones which seems a bit odd given that the orchestration plays an integral part of the feel of Dead Space. Such is life.

No surprises, but I don’t want surprises from it. It’s like a second season of a TV show.

Sony at E3

June 19, 2010 1 comment

You can check out Microsoft and Nintendo first, if you like.

I wasn’t there or anything, but that’s not why you come here now is it?

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