
Posts Tagged ‘Demon’s Souls’

So. What’s Going On?

August 30, 2010 5 comments

I’ve taken a bit of time off from the blog, for reasons outlined clearly in the post below, but I could never take time off from playing games (I can’t quit you) so here’ what’s been in my machines.

Red Dead Redemption

Shit a brick, this was released 3 months ago. I finished this beaut in about 30 hours I think, with most side missions. I had gushed about my first impressions (here) and intended to do a rolling review (here). I probably wont do that unless there’s overwhelming demand (there wont be) because although I took many notes, it just isn’t that relevant anymore and was possibly, possibly, crushingly pretentious.

Read More You Good Looking Person

Demon’s Souls Is Coming To PAL


Demon’s Souls has a sketchy publishing history so it’s good to see it finally garner a release on European shores. Oh sure we could have imported it, but……actually I have no excuse.

Demon’s Souls is one of the greatest games I’ve never played. Epic and with a difficulty curve steeper than my nerd boner in anticipation of it, it also has an innovative online section; You play normally but your world is open to invasion from a hostile or help from some heroic wanderer.

Aside from enabling dick moves on an unprecedented scale, one can use the function to obtain help in teaming up against the Demon bosses.

Demon’s Souls was released by Sony in Japan only in February 2009 as they felt it wouldn’t translate well to a western audience. It nontheless became an import favourite and so was published October 09 by Atlus in North America, sometime after which Sony admitted they dropped the ball in this instance. Turns out the world likes that it is multi cultural and to get something with a Japanese flavour it has to, at some point, come from Japan. Because of its success with the yanks the EU will see it as a Special Edition only copy, much like Yakuza 3, on 25th June replete with soundtrack, Art Book and strategy guide.

Just like Yakuza 3 I can’t recommend buying this enough. Yeah they are both a year old but that doesn’t make them lame, plus you get the cool SE stuff for the price of a new standard game. Also, it will hopefully encourage more eastern games to make their way over. When it comes down to it though, buy them because they are good games.

It’s the perfect time to buy Yakuza 3 now, it’s been out long enough that you can pick it up for about £30, leave it much longer and it’ll become scarce, driving the price back up.

Go in peace.