
Posts Tagged ‘E3’

E3 2010 – Update

June 12, 2010 1 comment

Update, I thought of some other stuff. In italics…

Because I basically have no legitimate press credentials I wont be attending this year’s E3. Also it’s more than 8000 miles away and I have no money to get there. Also I’m pretty sure my passport has expired.

But this wont stop me from rounding up what will probably happen at this years event and then live streaming the keynotes and then totally writing up what will actually happen with a few cursory insights a good few hours after all the major outlets have done the same thing. Right?

As if you give a shit, it’s after the jump.

Jump, mothereffer


March 2, 2010 2 comments

Really quite looking forward to APB (All Points Bulletin). Its from the guys who brought us Crackdown on the 360 and looks like it could be a jolly good game… with guns… and criminals… and cops… and more guns.

Its your basic sandbox scenario but its also an MMO and instead of levelling up and only playing people the same rank as you, its everyone thrown in together (at least that what i got from reading something at 2.17am and trying to remember it now).

Anyways, check out the HD trailer above from E3 and comment on your thoughts, itll be interesting to see what people think…