
Posts Tagged ‘E3 2010’

Sony at E3

June 19, 2010 1 comment

You can check out Microsoft and Nintendo first, if you like.

I wasn’t there or anything, but that’s not why you come here now is it?

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Nintendo at E3

Hey you guys, continuing my look at the Big Three at E3, after THIS.

Naturally I wasn’t at E3 but I’m a big seething pot of hatred and bitterness totally cool about it, about not having the cash, resources or credibility to attend. Your loss E3.

*cries into Frosties*

I think if we can all learn one thing from this, it’s that cry-eating is almost impossible….but I found a way.

(Microsoft HERE and Sony HERE)

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Microsoft at E3

June 16, 2010 1 comment

We say Microsoft, but it was all 360.

So holy shit, the big three conferences have been and gone. There will be more nuggets of upcoming titles dropped as the events wrap up but the platform holders have had their say. It was kind of a big deal so let’s start at the start, Microsoft were up first on Monday. If you fancy you can read my pre E3 blurb HERE

(Nintendo HERE, Sony HERE)

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E3 2010 – Update

June 12, 2010 1 comment

Update, I thought of some other stuff. In italics…

Because I basically have no legitimate press credentials I wont be attending this year’s E3. Also it’s more than 8000 miles away and I have no money to get there. Also I’m pretty sure my passport has expired.

But this wont stop me from rounding up what will probably happen at this years event and then live streaming the keynotes and then totally writing up what will actually happen with a few cursory insights a good few hours after all the major outlets have done the same thing. Right?

As if you give a shit, it’s after the jump.

Jump, mothereffer