
Posts Tagged ‘GoldenEye’

GoldenEye Wii

October 13, 2010 1 comment

Part of Eurogamer Expo 2010

I love GoldenEye on N64. It is to this day the best FPS in existence. I was better at GoldenEye than anyone I knew was. At a sleep over two people made me stay up until past 3am trying to beat me at it, and failing. I knew the single player game backwards. I knew all the routines not from trying to memorize them but simply through playing it so much that they became ingrained. I love that game.

It is odd that they should choose to remake it. That it is updated with Daniel Craig bothers me not a jot. It may be that they want to spin out a few bucks based on nostalgia alone. I may buy it, but I will rarely have a chance to play multiplayer with other humans in person, and my Wii’s wi-fi connection is quite simply bollocks.

At the expo this was hidden right in the middle of Nintendo’s stand, between Kirby and Donkey Kong, with no branding and no notification this was GoldenEye, the greatest FPS of all time. Only a piddly little 19″screen. The rep told me it was displaying via AV lead and not composite. And it showed. It was jaggy, and ugly. It was multiplayer only and took me right back to the glory days. Partly because the character models don’t seem to have advanced at all.

It looked horrible. To play, it was standard. I beat the other two players 10 – 3 – 2. I can’t say I was disappointed because it was just one round and I didn’t see any of the game proper. I can’t decide whether to buy it for old times’ sake and possibly be disappointed, or just leave the memory untainted and roll out the N64 occasionally.

The question remains though, why remake this?