
Posts Tagged ‘Halo: Reach’

Quantum of Solace – Review

September 23, 2010 2 comments


So yeah, we’ve been slack, but this is the quiet before the storm as we head in to Christmas and the big games start being released. Summer is always slow for gaming. It seems the game makers don’t realize that no matter what the weather, people who play a lot of games don’t go outside.

Any way the big release at the minute is of course Halo Reach, Me and the Prof only like good games and we don’t have Xboxes so we haven’t mentioned it here. Pretty poor for a supposed game blog but there you go. I blame Nasty Butler, He’s our resident Xboxer and he’s nowhere to be seen.

Any way that’s a long intro, click below if you’re interested in continuing this bull shit.

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Halo: Reach Multiplayer Vid

Much to the annoyance of one Mr Chelios, here’s another Halo: Reach vid, this time showing off what to expect from its multiplayer.

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Halo: Reach ViDoc: Once More Unto the Breach

So given that this is an up to date, cutting edge, finger on the pulse site, check out this Halo: Reach ViDoc… from a few weeks ago!

If you’re like me and you love Halo (sorry) then you’ll be really looking forward to Halo: Reach. It looks to be more more more so im starting to get a buzz over it, only its due out towards the end of September, sad face.

Anywho, have a gander at the vid to whet your appetite and see what the Bungie guys are trying to achieve.


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