
Posts Tagged ‘LA Noire’

The New LA Noire Trailer is as Creepy as it is Awesome

November 11, 2010 2 comments

Team Bondi have used some wicked crazy facial capture on LA Noire and although it looks just a little bit off, like you’re squinting, it is also remarkably good at tying down a performance. The outstanding characteristic of this trailer, surpassing even the wonderful score and post -noire clichés is the breadth of character.

As you will be basing your investigation of the cases off how people act and react this efficient characterisation is essential. I’m assuming that we’ll be spending our game time trying to decipher the infamous Means-Motive-Opportunity triangle by squinting. And that’s why the faces look as though I am squinting at them.

The Top 14 Games For The Rest Of The Year – 2

Part 1 here for those of you who missed it. On goes this miniseries, if you will.

2. LA Noire – PS3 360

This still from the original trailer is now pretty much defunct. It was made around 2007 if not before and since then the game has been re-made and reduxed. Pretty much the only reassurance we have that this wll be good is that Rockstar Games are publishing. They tend not to put out much shit  so chances are good this will resemble a fairly good game.

The enticing thing is a noir adventure mystery and I hope they haven’t lost this angle. I can think of only one game that did the same; Discworld Noir. It was buggy as hell but the atmosphere was tangible and Rob Brydon did a bang up job as the P.I., Lewton (“Are you Lewton?”, “If i’m not I should have fired the guy who painted my door” – Brilliant).

La Noire is supposed to ship by the end of October but Take Two interactive (parent company of Rockstar) have a busy slate so this may be put back. More will be revealed by E3 I reckon.

Part 3 tomorrow