
Posts Tagged ‘Limbo Game’


I can’t remember where I saw it because I read a lot and I spend quite some time feeling sleepy and tired so everything blends together into a huge amalgum of colour and sound.

The short of it is here’s this game called Limbo by Indie developer Playdead, site here. It kinda speaks for itself.

It’s a 2D puzzle platformer in moody, intense black and white. Seriously, this is like pornography to a guy like me. Not your (admittedly awesome) trash from spankwire, but your high class erotica.

It kinda looks like Braid gashed open The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom‘s stomach and stowed his friend Sadness inside so he wouldn’t freeze overnight. In the morning they circle jerked and the result on the floor became a secret pact never to be shared with anyone else. Except Sadness is a devious little bastard and he told, and this is the result.

It’s only slated to appear on XBL but then so was Braid and Trine and a few other downloadable mores. As it’s an indie developer they’ll want to expand their market and they’d be foolish not to. This is a shame because I don’t have an Xbox and unless I can get one for free I’m not going to.