
Posts Tagged ‘littlebigplanet’

LittleBigPlanet 2

Part of Eurogamer Expo 2010

There was a great atmosphere all around the expo, except at the Gears of War 3 part, but around the LBP2 station there was a definite, distinguishable vibe.

Some people sat in groups of four plus around LBP2. Some people sat and created levels on LBP2. It was the only game there where I could sit with the two buddies I went with, play and have a good laugh at the same time.

It’s like Dead Space 2 in that you know exactly what to expect from the sequel and you know it will deliver exactly that. And that’s cool. If you want something different, buy something different.

LittleBigPlanet is as fresh now as it was on day 1. It is manic, joyful playing. It is the essence of playing around. When I play LittleBigPlanet the world is not such a bad place. Everything’s going to be alright and people will start being nice to everyone else.

If only they could have tightened up the damn jump mechanism. That is still floppier than your grandfather’s penis at a Russell Brand waxwork exhibit.

I still find it a little strange that they went with a full-blown sequel. LBP is a universe and it’s level editing format being heavy in that formula with new levels being put out daily means that it is a living community. I almost expected eternal download packs.

I guess they have to be able to efficiently ship the new level editors and be able to reach the offline audience with a single player product. After PSPGo failed to warm people to above average downloading then it makes sense to release a flat out sequel. If this is the only thing which gets stuck in the craw you know there is not much to complain about with this game.

Exceptional, superb work

LittleBigPlanet 2 Trailer

Check out the frigging adorable debut trailer for LittleBigPlanet 2 due out sometime in the future. I reckon 2 years after the first would be good, so October/November?

I’m certain it’ll sell more than the first and I expect a huge media push from Sony.

Even if you don’t touch the creator side, you’ll still get a lovingly created story mode and some ludicrously well made community levels, plus the current ones chucked in.

Brilliance. I’m unashamedly wide eyed for this level of kitsch.

LittleBigPlanet Now PrettyBigBigPlanet

The absolutely wonderful LittleBigPlanet now has over 2 Million user made level.

The beauty of LBP is that although the graphics are top notch, the are simple. This handmade simplicity keeps the game feeling fresh whether you played it a year ago or whether you only unboxed it today. Once the main levels are out of the way the user generated content takes over.

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The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 5

February 6, 2010 Leave a comment

8. Little Big Planet (PS3 – 2008)

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Sack of all trades

January 26, 2010 1 comment

a sack, sack day.

My Sackboys arrived this morning from Amazon. They only cost about a fiver each with delivery so I’m pretty chuffed. The magic of Sackboy is he seems to enchant the females, buying you at least another hour af gameplaying time.