
Posts Tagged ‘Motion Control’

Playstation Move

March 13, 2010 3 comments

On wednesday Sony named their motion control device as the PlayStation Move. Because I’m such an ace reporter and am totally at GDC I would’ve been right there asking the tough questions but…..

What hotel am I staying at? Weeeeellll, you wouldn’t know it, it’s kinda out of the way. Whichever hotel you don’t know in San Francisco, that’s the one I’m at.

Anyway I didn’t cover it because I was too busy partying and generally being a stand up guy.


Heavy Rain Devs on Motion Control Title

February 12, 2010 1 comment

Heavy Rain Director David Cage has stated that Quantic dream, which he founded, is working on a motion control title.

“I have a lot of interest in Sony’s motion device and there is a good chance that we announce something about it in the coming weeks”

I’d like to take this opportunity to point out that I predicted (sort of) such an occurence in part 2 of Motion Blur, a feature this past week, right here just before the final picture.

“The very first version of the game design was based on motion control, but it was not feasible at the time”

The two are a perfect match. The gesture controls in Heavy Rain are intuitive and specific to the intended task so to marry that concept to a motion controller is the next logical step.

It also points out that Sony are moving in the right direction in not forgetting their core gamer demographic. I’m very interested.

Motion Blur Part 3 – Project Natal

February 12, 2010 7 comments

On immediate inspection this undoubtedly has the biggest “cool” factor of all the platforms’ motion controls. “There is no controller” and “you are the controller” are two dumb marketeer phrases knocking around. Let’s just say it’s an interface shall we? That you use to control input? Therefore let’s just call it the fucking controller ok? Please?

Read more…

Motion Blur Part 2 – Sony

February 11, 2010 5 comments

WTF is it called?

Playstation Sphere. Playstation Gem. Playstation Arc. All rumoured to have been the new name for Sony’s Playstation Motion Controller. I was convinced I’d scored the name for it. No I’m nottelling you what I thought it’d be yet. Yes it’s a cheap trick employed to chalk up another pageview. You’re leaving? Oh that’s grown up.

For those of you staying we continue to remark upon the descent/ascent to motion control for home consoles.

Read MORE, you guys…

Motion Blur Part 1 – Nintendo

February 10, 2010 1 comment

Motion controls on home consoles are happening, like it or not. A path to the future for some, a step backwards in game accomplishment for other. In this feature we’ll be looking first at the Nintendo Wiimote and Wii motion plus, because they’re already available. In part 2 we’ll look at Sony’s unnamed motion controller as an evolution of the wand based system. It  marries with the concept of the full body video control, as Microsoft have done with Natal which will comprise part 3.

Let’s stop eyeing each other up and get on with this.

Onward, then. To Nintendo…

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