
Posts Tagged ‘Natal’

Playstation Move

March 13, 2010 3 comments

On wednesday Sony named their motion control device as the PlayStation Move. Because I’m such an ace reporter and am totally at GDC I would’ve been right there asking the tough questions but…..

What hotel am I staying at? Weeeeellll, you wouldn’t know it, it’s kinda out of the way. Whichever hotel you don’t know in San Francisco, that’s the one I’m at.

Anyway I didn’t cover it because I was too busy partying and generally being a stand up guy.


Motion Blur Part 3 – Project Natal

February 12, 2010 7 comments

On immediate inspection this undoubtedly has the biggest “cool” factor of all the platforms’ motion controls. “There is no controller” and “you are the controller” are two dumb marketeer phrases knocking around. Let’s just say it’s an interface shall we? That you use to control input? Therefore let’s just call it the fucking controller ok? Please?

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First A Dog, Now A Mouse…

February 9, 2010 2 comments

That’s Peter Molyneux. Co-founder of the defunct Bullfrog Productions, co-founder of Lionhead Studios and Creative Director of Microsoft Game Studios, Europe.

He is taking a major part in developing Microsoft’s Project Natal and is lead designer on the Fable series, including Fable III.

After he characteristically over hyped Fable he promised never to talk about a mechanic of a game in development unless he could demo it there and then. While he did stick to this principal for Fable II he nevertheless could not help himself and set up the dog to be a mechanic that will change the way we interact with games.

And now, Natal is going to change the way we interact with games like the mouse changed the way we interact with computer programs. Instead of a keyboard presumably. Presumably he doesn’t mean instead of a game controller.

He’s also announced that he has anannouncement to make about Fable III and people are going to be “super pissed”.

It could mean either he’s reversing the decision to use Natal, which is unlikely. It could mean it’s delayed which is likely but is not surprising and it’s prodigiously self indulgent to believe it would leave people super pissed. It could be something he’s already announced and just wants to pat himself on the back about. It could be some as yet unrevealed plot point or game mechanic which on appearance defies gameplay convention and leaves people intrigued rather than pissed.

I don’t like Molyneux’s self fellating style so I think it’s the latter.

He may be a great guy but he shits on his games and acheivements the sort of talk you would expect from someone who is a “creative director”

When reading or listening to anything he’s said don’t disbelieve it. Just understand that he’s full of shit.

But then I’ve never been the creative director of anything so what the fuck would I know?

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