
Posts Tagged ‘nintendo media summit’

Wii Had Such Fun

Nintendo held a Media Summit last week where among other things they trailed and announced release dates for Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M (Trailers after the jump). I held back from newsing it because I wanted a little bit of perspective. I find myself merely whelmed by the prospect of these games and just about anything else Nintendo announce now.

I bought my Wii on launch day after spending most of 2006 telling everyone that it was going to be pure tits. Now, I haven’t played it in about 6 months, before that it was about 7 months. Part of me wants to know what the hell the company whose machines I grew up with is doing, and the other part of me just wants them to give me the goods, just let me know they still care and give me a game I want.

How has it come to this twisted, abusive relationship?

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