
Posts Tagged ‘ps3’

GamesBurp’s first Game play video

June 27, 2010 1 comment

So after saying I was going to do it and then a ton of shit happening that meant I couldn’t I’ve finally done it.
Behold what hopefully will be the first of many Gameplay videos from
Don’t worry it won’t all be Modern Warfare 2. I’m gonna do a whole host of games. I may do some video reveiws and some other stuff. As I get more capable shit may start to get fancy. Word.

Now check out the vid.

Fallout New Vegas

June 21, 2010 2 comments

Few things are as satisfying as wandering the wastes. In a video game I mean. I’m sure were I personally to wander the wastes then I would lose the vision I have of myself as a macho, immortal gladiator in roughly the time it took my old Primary school headteacher to carve off a piece of my left buttock while the aroma of my own roasting flesh confuses me into being both hungry, and incomparably terrified.

Fortunately we can all pretend to live an a desolate sprawl still suffering the ill effects of a 200 year old nuclear war.

Aint games a laugh.

Fallout 3 laid the foundation to attract a wider fanbase to the franchise and this one will have much more detail, like the older titles. Things like thirst and sleep deprivation factor in and expect your speech skills to do a lot more this time.

Out on October 19th.

Sony at E3

June 19, 2010 1 comment

You can check out Microsoft and Nintendo first, if you like.

I wasn’t there or anything, but that’s not why you come here now is it?

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Gran Turismo 5 E3 Trailer

June 13, 2010 1 comment

They simply have to release GT5 this year. It’s been in development since about April 2004. Yes, more than 6 years, and has cost in excess of $60million to produce. It seems unlikely that it will recoup its cost but it will be a trophy game, by that I mean a showcase for Sony’s first party publishing and PlayStation processing prowess.

To be fair though, most of those images look real. Actually real.

The song is Big Bad Wolf by The Heavy.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 E3 Trailer

It may just be an extended cut scene but it’s very well executed and the fight choreography is outstanding.

The first game was ok but it was a bit twitchy. Any problems anyone had with the first inevitably will get ironed out as they do on a game of this sort. Think Assassin’s Creed to Assassin’s Creed 2.

Killzone 3 E3 Trailer

Looks pretty sweet, especially the ocean. I really feel the ocean needs to be used in a great way in a game.

Killzone 3 will also be launching in 3D, for those of you who have compatible televisions. I don’t, nor will I have for a few years. So if you do have one, go fuck yourself while you’re at it you smug bastard.


RDR – Review.

June 4, 2010 2 comments


What’s up ladies and gents.
Sorry I haven’t been round much but I’ve been in Florida showing Dolphins that they ain’t all that. Among other things.

Any way hit us up below to see my thoughts on Rockstars latest. Red Dead Redemption
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DC Universe Online Ships In November

As the headline says peeps, Sony scooped to IGN that we’ll finally get our paws on this nugget. (check this decent preview, not by me)

There’ll be big reveals at E3 as I expect Sony will make somewhat of a centrepiece of it at their Keynote address. It will be out before Final Fantasy XIV but after APB so it’s anyone’s guess how they will price it.

On one hand companies like Cryptic are avoiding console ports of Star Trek Online as there is a mess of problems over who would get paid according to their monthly subscription model, Sony Online Entertainment are making DCUO so that eliminates a middle man, you can simply subscribe through PSN.

On the other hand, monthly sub is an increasingly outdated method and one I don’t believe is transferable to console users. Realtime worlds has the right idea, increments of £7 for 20 hours is a ridiculously simple purchase plan and  implementing that on PSN as simply another item in the market place is even easier. Easier than setting up a sub and easier to swallow especially when Sony will already be asking for a fee to use PSNPlus.

At this point the fee is my only barrier to entry. As with Star Trek Online, I refuse to pay a monthly sub, purchased hours enabling you to leave the game inactive for a month or two and still be able to return to your account without paying for dead time are a must.

Red Dead Redemption Journal Part 1 – Undead Redemption?

I don’t have the money to buy many games so my choices have to be worth it. Red Dead Redemption provides excellent value, if you want that, as well as a rich single player experience you can race through in a week.

While I have already found boundless pleasure in simply riding the frontier ( “riding the frontier” is also a sexual position I just invented involving a cactus, an armadillo, a lasso, a saddle and a very raw hide) the setting of the piece in itself presents great points of interest, the context for the story is as dense a dramatisation as the main narrative.

This is a work in progress as I play through the game, the thoughts I have formed here are based only off what I have played, I have not seen any plot points from further along. I’ll admit I’m not that far in (goddammit work commitments) so I’ll be writing as I play. Also check out my brief love letter to the game design.

I swear I thought about this before the series finale of Lost, which I don’t watch, aired. I take comfort in the fact it is far from a new concept and it’s my frigging blog.

The way I see it is like this; John Marston is either dying or dead and the events in the game are his fantasy before his soul moves on.

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PSN Store Update 26th May 2010

psnOh hi.

How long have you been there?

Listen, I can totally explain what I was doing……….yes it’s kind of like yoga.

Oh hey look behind you, it’s this week’s update.

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