
Posts Tagged ‘Red Steel 2’

Best Price: Red Steel 2

This woman has no connection whatsoever to the Red Steel franchise

So from this edition of Best Price the lesson I took home was the following ancient proverb;

“ can suck it!”

Hit up the jump to find out why.


The Top 14 Games For The Rest Of The Year – 1

We’re only halfway through March but already it feels like a mammoth year. We’ve had easily the most interesting (calendar) year start since ever due to publishers rescheduling from October last. I posted a top 15 games here but since then 7 of those have been released, so time for an updated list. I wont include Blazblue as it has been postponed a couple times in Europe (next due on 26th March) and with it blowing hot and cold like this and generally being a cock tease I’m inclined to just forget it. Actually I have an import copy to play and review so don’t be mad, baby.

Why 14 games on this list?

Because I’m on holiday for two weeks and though Ill be checking in and leaving posting duties to be ably performed by Chelios and NastyButler, I want a post per day minimum.

If you think I’ve missed anything, then sound off. There’s nothing worse than a whiny pussy who wont say so to your face post.

Also, yo mamma.

1. Red Steel 2 – Wii

Red Steel was much maligned but really wasn’t as bad as “all that”. I mean it was no joy to play, but it wasn’t the worst thing I did that year (you still owe me, giorgio). Number 2 (snigger) promises actual decent swordplay and in context to the setting rather than simply dumped in between shootouts.

I like how they’ve gone stylistic so the Wii can cope with it graphically, plus it makes a nice change. The only thing stopping me from definitely getting it is not knowing how badly it’ll display on my LCD. Okami looked ok, I guess, but it wasn’t really pretty. It certainly lost something from displayng on my old CRT.

Part 2 tomorrow, suckas.