
Posts Tagged ‘Studio Ghibli’

Studio Ghibli’s Ni No Kuni is coming to PS3. I become excited, moist.

I’m not a proud man. I’ll openly tell you the last time I cried, or shrieked, or got caught rubbing one out to the larger women of the Bravissimo catalogue (check it out. Fucking trust me on this).

I completely heart Ghibli. Even the seemingly mundane shit is absolutely captivating. The genius of its simple yet layered animation style is that it never ages, My Neighbour Totoro is rocking up to its 30th birthday.

That shit could have been drawn yesterday. It looks pretty soft ass for us men (grrrrrr. Porn. Fire) but it is with unreserved, unashamed joy that I watch these films. So when their game with Professor Layton (awesome) devs Factor 5 was announced I was happy. When it was recently announced for PS3 I passed out. The PS3 is able to render the graphics with a wonderful fidelity, they appear fluid but on your large TV, much better to behold than on a DS screen. Though the DS is great and its version will be similarly great, I can’t wait to play this front room.
