
Posts Tagged ‘the 20 best games of the decade’

The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..Finale

February 9, 2010 1 comment

1. Fallout 3 (PS3, 360, PC – 2008. GOTY – 2009)
fallout 3

Those of us who are mental for video games will know of the exact moment we fell in love with them. The flashpoint, that mind expanding or face melting moment when we realise that yeah, we’ve been enjoying games, they’re fun, but now I know I’m in for the long haul. For me it was A link to the Past on the SNES, when I hopped over to the dark world and found a mirror world just as huge, interlocking and affecting Link’s home dimension. My ten year old mind did a backflip.
The reason Fallout 3 makes number 1 is because it not only reminded me of that feeling, it kicked it up a notch.

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The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 7

February 8, 2010 3 comments

2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2 – 2005 EU. Subsistence – 2006)
Wow. Just wow. In the end my best friend simply gave me his copy of  this game because I was smitten and he could not get into it at all. Whenever I meet someone who’s played it through we instantly understand one another and can reminisce about the best bits. Which is all of it.

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The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 6

February 7, 2010 6 comments

5. Portal (PS3, 360, PC – 2007)

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The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 5

February 6, 2010 Leave a comment

8. Little Big Planet (PS3 – 2008)

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The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 4

February 5, 2010 1 comment

11. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, 360, PC – 2009)
batman arkham asylum

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The 20 Best Games of the Decade….part 3

February 4, 2010 Leave a comment

14. We Love Katamari (PS2 – 2006 EU)
we love katamari

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The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 2

February 3, 2010 Leave a comment

17. Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare (PS3, 360, pc – 2007)

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The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 1

February 2, 2010 Leave a comment

This was first published on my old blog but as it’s so soon after the end of the decade I thought I’d re-post for those of you who didn’t see the old one, or just missed it, and over 8 consecutive days instead of when I can get my shit together for long enough to stop self hating and write something dammit. You’ll never have a future….

Plus, it’s my frigging blog, I can do what I want and you can’t tell me otherwise, Dad. Feel free to comment if you disagree.

Except you, dad.

First of all I’m not going to qualify any statements with “in my opinion” because that’s redundant. It’s all my opinion as that’s all I can base it on. It’s not a list of most sold, most popular or most important. If I didn’t play it, it couldn’t be in. Simple as. This explains the lack of X-Box games for the most part.
If a game is in a franchise I will name only one game from it to prevent monopoly, however, that one game will speak only for itself and not its prequels and sequels.
First though….

Honourable Mentions
I have finished Assassin’s Creed 2 and Uncharted 2, but it just feels too early to put them in best of lists despite how good they are. I need to let them breathe awhile first.
Halo everyone loves it but frankly, it’s shit. Due to my lack of X-Box titles I felt I must give it some form of props. KOTOR 2 was much better and deserves the praise more.

Now without further ado, in reverse order

20. Resident Evil 4 (GC, PS2 – 2004. Wii – 2007)

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