
Posts Tagged ‘The Sims’

The Sims Free Barnacle Bay Giveaway

October 18, 2010 2 comments

The Sims Free. Ha ha, do you see? It means two things.

So you have The Sims 3 and you you’re thinking “This Barnacle Bay fandango, is it worth shelling out money for?”

Well stop right there partner, think no further because we are giving away three download codes for The Sims 3 Barnacle Bay expansion packĀ  absolutely goddamn free.

Yes some loco people actually decided our humble site was worthy of being a portal to gift three of you lucky souls with free gear (not that kind of gear).

It would usually run you 1,600 Sim points. I have no idea what that means exactly but it sure sounds expensive if you have no money or like free stuff. Yet also it sounds reasonable enough for those of you that have a little change, like a real value experience.

All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is start by following us on Twitter today. This will save you time clicking an extra button in the near future.Then keep a beady little eye out for the next two days, that’s Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th October, ReTweet our special Tweet and that’s it. We’ll pick the winners on Thursday 21st and be in touch.

You could unfollow us straight after if you really wanted but that’s kind of a dick move.

So, Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th October retweet us our super obvious message and you could win one of three Sims 3 Barnacle Bay download codes.

You must already have a legitimate copy of The Sims 3 for this to work.

Make me look good here friends.

P.s. Don’t retweet this post or the accompanying twitter link to this post. We will tweet a separate tweet for you to retweet. Got that? Sweet.

The 20 Best Games of the Decade…..part 5

February 6, 2010 Leave a comment

8. Little Big Planet (PS3 – 2008)

Click here to continue